The number of reproductive aged females was at its lowest point in the late 1970s, in part because of the prior harvesting that occurred into the early 1970s (Fig. \(\ref{fig:ts-repro-females}\)). Though the overall number of reproductive females has been fluctuating between 25-35 for most of the last 40 years, there have been contrasting changes by pod, with declines in L pod females and increases in J pod (Fig. \(\ref{fig:ts-repro-females}\)). At the start of the survey in 1976, the distribution of females was skewed toward younger ages with few older, post-reproductive females. The distribution in recent years is more uniform across female ages (in other words, more females in their 30s, Fig. \(\ref{fig:plot-repro-females}\)).
Distribution of ages of reproductive age females (10-42, inclusive) for Southern Residents by year since 1976.
Time series of reproductive age females (10-42, inclusive) for Southern Residents by year since 1976.
Time series of reproductive age females (10-42, inclusive) for Southern Residents by pod and year since 1976.