During the 2011-2012 bilateral workshops (Hilborn et al. 2012; Ward et al. 2013), a comparison between NRKW and SRKW sex ratios at birth was presented, with calves being approximately 55% female in the NRKW population and 45% female in the SRKW population. This difference was assumed to be due to chance, and there was no evidence for a significant trend. As the proportion of males in the SRKW population has increased over time, it is worth re-examining the evidence supporting any trend.
To evaluate support for a trend, we fit Bayesian logistic regression models (GLMs with a binomial family and logit link function), to SRKW birth data over the period 1977-present. In recent years, since 2022, there have been 1 male births and 4 female births. This analysis highlights that the probability of a positive trend is approximately 46% (Fig. \(\ref{fig:srb}\)).