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Compare imported data table to the previously saved version of the data table


fishset_compare(x, y, compare = c(TRUE, FALSE), project)



Updated data table to be saved.


Previously saved version of data table.


Logical, if TRUE, compares x to y before saving x to FishSET database.


Name of project


Function is optional. It is designed to check for consistency between versions of the same data frame so that the logged functions can be used to rerun the previous analysis on the updated data. The column names, including spelling and capitalization, must match the previous version to use the logged functions to rerun code after data has been updated (i.e., new year of data). The function is called by the data import functions (load_maindata, load_port, load_aux, load_grid). Set the compare argument to TRUE to compare column names of the new and previously saved data tables. The new data tables will be saved to the FishSET database if column names match. Set the compare argument to FALSE if no previous versions of the data table exist in the FishSET database. No comparison will be made and the new file will be saved to the database.