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load_maindata() saves the main dataset to the FishSET Database (located in the FishSETFolder) and is a required step. The main data will also be loaded into the working environment as a dataframe named "projectMainDataTable". Running load_maindata() creates a new project directory in the FishSETFolder. To see a list of existing projects run projects() or open the FishSETFolder.


load_maindata(dat, project, over_write = FALSE, compare = FALSE, y = NULL)



Primary data containing information on hauls or trips. This can be the full path to the file, the name of a main table in the FishSET database, or a dataframe object in the working environment. Main tables in the FishSET database contain the string 'MainDataTable'. A complete list of FishSET tables can be display by running fishset_tables().


String, name of project. Cannot contain spaces.


Logical, If TRUE, saves data over previously saved data table in the FishSET database. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical, whether to compare new dataframe to previously saved dataframe y. See fishset_compare.


Name of previously saved table in FishSET Database. y must be defined if compare = TRUE.


The dataset is saved in the FishSET database as raw and working tables. The table name is the project and the table type, 'MainDataTable'. The raw table is the original, unedited table. The working table contains any changes made to the table after uploading. An eight digit date string is included in the name of the raw table (e.g. "pollockMainDataTable20220210"). The main data is loaded into the working environment as ‘projectMainDataTable’. The fishset_compare argument compares dat to an existing FishSET table in y and returns a message noting basic differences between the two. The column names are checked for case-insensitivity and uniqueness.


if (FALSE) {
# upload data from filepath
load_maindata(dat = "PATH/TO/DATA", project = "pollock")

# upload from dataframe in working environment
load_maindata(dat = Mydata, project = 'pollock', over_write = TRUE, 
              compare = TRUE, y = 'MainDataTable01012011')
# upload from an exisitng FishSET main data table
looad_maindata(dat = "pollockMainDataTable", project = "pollock2020")