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Auxiliary data is additional data that connects the primary dataset. Function pulls the data, parses it, and then and saves the data to the FishSET database. A project must exist before running load_aux(). See load_maindata to create a new project.


load_aux(dat, aux, name, over_write = TRUE, project = NULL)



Primary data containing information on hauls or trips. Table in the FishSET database contains the string 'MainDataTable'.


File name, including path of auxiliary data.


Name auxiliary data should be saved as in FishSET database.


Logical, If TRUE, saves data over previously saved data table in the FishSET database.


String, name of project.


Auxiliary data is any additional data beyond the primary data and the port data. Auxiliary data can be any data that can be merged with the primary dataset (ex. prices by date, vessel characteristics, or fishery season). The auxiliary data does not have to be at a haul or trip level but must contain a variable to connect the auxiliary data to the primary dataset. The function checks that at least one column name of the auxiliary data matches a column name in the primary dataset. The function checks that each row is unique, that no variables are empty, and that column names are case-insensitive unique. There data issues are resolved before the data is saved to the database. The data is saved in the FishSET database as the raw data and the working data. The naming convention for auxiliary tables is "projectNameAuxTable". Date is also added to the name for the raw data. See table_view to view/load auxiliary tables into the working environment.


if (FALSE) {
load_aux(pcodMainDataTable, name = 'FisherySeason', over_write = TRUE, 
         project = 'pcod')