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Gridded data is data that varies by two dimensions. Column names must be zone names. Load, parse, and save gridded data to FishSET database. A project must exist before running load_grid(). See load_maindata to create a new project.


load_grid(dat, grid, name, over_write = TRUE, project = NULL)



Primary data containing information on hauls or trips. Table in FishSET database contains the string 'MainDataTable'.


File name, including path, of gridded data.


Name gridded data should be saved as in FishSET database.


Logical, If TRUE, saves dat over previously saved data table in the FishSET database.


String, name of project.


Grid data is an optional data frame that contains a variable that varies by the map grid (ex. sea surface temperature, wind speed). Data can also vary by a second dimension (e.g., date/time). Both dimensions in the gridded data file need to be variables included in the primary data set. The grid locations (zones) must define the columns and the optional second dimension defines the rows. The row variable must have the exact name as the variable in the main data frame that it will be linked to. The function DOES NOT check that column and row variables match a variable in the primary data set. The function checks that each row is unique, that no variables are empty, and that column names are case-insensitive unique. These data issues are resolved before the data is saved to the database. The data is saved in the FishSET database as the raw data and the working data. In both cases, the table name is the project and the file name x. Date is attached to the name for the raw data. The naming convention for gridded tables is "projectNameGridTable". See table_view to view/load gridded tables into the working environment.


if (FALSE) {
load_grid(dat = 'pcodMainDataTable', name = 'SeaSurfaceTemp', 
          over_write = TRUE, project = 'pcod')