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Write a data table to local file directory


write_dat(dat, project, path = NULL, file_type = "csv", ...)



Name of data frame in working environment to save to file.


String, project name.


String, path or connection to write to. If left empty, the file will be written to the dat folder in the project directory.


String, the type of file to write to. Options include "csv", "txt" (tab-separated text file), "xlsx" (excel), "rdata", "json", "stata", "spss", "sas", and "matlab".


Additional arguments passed to writing function. See "details" for the list of functions.


Leave path = NULL to save dat to the data folder in the project directory See write.table for csv and tab-separated files, save for R data files, write.xlsx, read_json for json files, st_write for geojson files, read_dta for Stata files, read_spss for SPSS files, read_sas for SAS files, and writeMat for Matlab files, and st_write for shape files.


if (FALSE) {
# Save to the default data folder in project directory
write_dat(pollockMainDataTable, type = "csv", "pollock")

# Save to defined directory location
write_dat(pollockMainDataTable, path = "C://data/pollock_dataset.csv", 
          type = "csv", "pollock")
# Save shape file
write_dat(ST6, path = "C://data//ST6.shp", type = "shp", project = 'Pollock')