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Display trip duration and value per unit effort


  units = "days",
  vpue = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  combine = TRUE,
  haul_count = TRUE,
  sub_date = NULL,
  filter_date = NULL,
  date_value = NULL,
  filter_by = NULL,
  filter_value = NULL,
  filter_expr = NULL,
  facet_by = NULL,
  type = "hist",
  bins = 30,
  density = TRUE,
  scale = "fixed",
  tran = "identity",
  format_lab = "decimal",
  pages = "single",
  remove_neg = FALSE,
  output = "tab_plot",
  tripID = NULL,
  fun.time = NULL,
  fun.numeric = NULL



Primary data containing information on hauls or trips. Table in FishSET database should contain the string `MainDataTable`.


String, name of project.


Date variable containing the start of vessel trip.


Date variable containing the end of vessel trip.


Time unit, defaults to "days". Options include "secs", "mins", "hours", "days", or "weeks".


Optional, numeric variable in dat for calculating value per unit effort (VPUE).


Optional, string names of variables to group by. By default, grouping variables are combined unless combine = FALSE and type = "freq_poly" (frequency polygon). combine = TRUE will not work when type = "hist" (histogram). Frequency polygon plots can use up to two grouping variables if combine = FALSE: the first variable is assigned to the "color" aesthetic and second to the "linetype" aesthetic.


Logical, whether to combine the variables listed in group for plot.


Logical, whether to include hauls per trip in table and/or plot (this can only be used if collapsing data to trip level using tripID. If data is already at trip level, add your haul frequency variable to vpue).


Date variable used for subsetting, grouping, or splitting by date.


The type of filter to apply to `MainDataTable`. To filter by a range of dates, use filter_date = "date_range". To filter by a given period, use "year-day", "year-week", "year-month", "year", "month", "week", or "day". The argument date_value must be provided.


This argument is paired with filter_date. To filter by date range, set filter_date = "date_range" and enter a start- and end-date into date_value as a string: date_value = c("2011-01-01", "2011-03-15").

To filter by period (e.g. "year", "year-month"), use integers (4 digits if year, 1-2 digits if referencing a day, month, or week). Use a vector if filtering by a single period: date_filter = "month" and date_value = c(1, 3, 5). This would filter the data to January, March, and May.

Use a list if using a year-period type filter, e.g. "year-week", with the format: list(year, period). For example, filter_date = "year-month" and date_value = list(2011:2013, 5:7) will filter the data table from May through July for years 2011-2013.


String, variable name to filter `MainDataTable` by. the argument filter_value must be provided.


A vector of values to filter `MainDataTable` by using the variable in filter_by. For example, if filter_by = "GEAR_TYPE", filter_value = 1 will include only observations with a gear type of 1.


String, a valid R expression to filter `MainDataTable` by.


Variable name to facet by. Facetting by "year", "month", or "week" provided a date variable is added to sub_date.


The type of plot. Options include histogram ("hist", the default) and frequency polygon ("freq_poly").


The number of bins used in histogram/freqency polygon.


Logical, whether densities or frequencies are used for histogram. Defaults to TRUE.


Scale argument passed to facet_grid. Defaults to "fixed". Other options include "free_y", "free_x", and "free_xy".


Transformation to be applied to the x-axis. A few options include "log", "log10", and "sqrt". See scale_continuous for a complete list.


Formatting option for x-axis labels. Options include "decimal" or "scientific".


Whether to output plots on a single page ("single", the default) or multiple pages ("multi").


Logical, whether to remove negative trip durations from the plot and table.


Options include 'table', 'plot', or 'tab_plot' (both table and plot, the default).


Column(s) that identify the individual trip.


How to collapse temporal data. For example, min, mean, max. Cannot be sum for temporal variables.


How to collapse numeric or temporal data. For example, min, mean, max, sum. Defaults to mean.


trip_dur_out() calculates vessel trip duration given a start and end date, converts trip duration to the desired unit of time (e.g. weeks, days, or hours), and returns a table and/or plot. There is an option for calculating vpue (value per unit of effort) as well. The data can be filtered by date and/or by a variable.

filter_date specifies the type of date filter to apply--by date-range or by period. date_value should contain the values to filter the data by. To filter by a variable, enter its name as a string in filter_by and include the values to filter by in filter_value. If multiple grouping variables are given then they are combined into one variable unless combine = FALSE and

type = "freq_poly". No more than three grouping variables is recommended if pages = "single". Any variable in the dataset can be used for faceting, but "year", "month", and "week" are also available. Distribution plots can be combined on a single page or printed individually with pages.

See also


if (FALSE) {
  start = "FISHING_START_DATE", end = "HAUL_DATE",
  units = "days", vpue = "OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH", output = "plot",
  tripID = c("PERMIT", "TRIP_SEQ"), fun.numeric = sum, fun.time = min
