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Visualize spread of data and measures to identify outliers.


  dat.remove = "none",
  sd_val = NULL,
  x.dist = "normal",
  date = NULL,
  group = NULL,
  pages = "single",
  output.screen = FALSE,
  log_fun = TRUE



Primary data containing information on hauls or trips. Table in the FishSET database contains the string 'MainDataTable'.


String, name of project.


Variable in dat to check for outliers.


Outlier measure. Values outside the measure are removed. Users can use the predefined values (see below) or user-defined distance from the mean. For user-defined values, dat.remove should be a numeric value. For example, dat.remove = 6 would would result in value outside 6SD from the mean being class as outliers. User-defined standard deviations from the mean can also be applied using sd_val. Pre-defined choices: "none", "5_95_quant", "25_75_quant", "mean_2SD", "median_2SD", "mean_3SD", "median_3SD". See the Details section for more information.


Optional. Number of standard deviations from mean defining outliers. Example, sd_val = 6 would mean values outside +/- 6 SD from the mean would be outliers.


Distribution of the data. Choices include: "normal", "lognormal", "exponential", "Weibull", "Poisson", "negative binomial".


(Optional) date variable to group the histogram by year.


(Optional) additional variable to group the histogram by.


Whether to output plots on a single page ("single", the default) or multiple pages ("multi").


Logical, if true, return plots to the screen. If FALSE, returns plot to the 'output' folder as a png file.


Logical, whether to log function call (for internal use).


Plot of the data


The function returns three plots: the data, a probability plot, and a Q-Q plot. The data plot returns x against row number. Red points are data points that would be removed based on dat.remove. Blue points are data points within the bounds of dat.remove. If dat.remove is "none", then only blue points will be shown. The probability plot is a histogram of the data, after applying dat.remove, with the fitted probability distribution based on x.dist. group groups the histogram by a variable from dat, date groups the histogram by year. The Q-Q plot plots are sampled quantiles against theoretical quantiles, after applying dat.remove.

The dat.remove choices are:

  • numeric value: Remove data points outside +/- `x`SD of the mean

  • none: No data points are removed

  • 5_95_quant: Removes data points outside the 5th and 95th quantiles

  • 25_75_quant: Removes data points outside the 25th and 75th quantiles

  • mean_2SD: Removes data points outside +/- 2SD of the mean

  • median_2SD: Removes data points outside +/- 2SD of the median

  • mean_3SD: Removes data points outside +/- 3SD of the mean

  • median_3SD: Removes data points outside +/- 3SD of the median

The distribution choices are:

  • normal

  • lognormal

  • exponential

  • Weibull

  • Poisson

  • negative binomial


if (FALSE) {

outlier_plot(pollockMainDataTable, 'pollock', x = 'Haul', dat.remove = 'mean_2SD', 
             x.dist = 'normal', output.screen = TRUE)
# user-defined outlier        
outlier_plot(pollockMainDataTable, 'pollock', x = 'Haul', dat.remove = 6, 
             x.dist = 'lognormal', output.screen = TRUE)