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fleet_table saves a table of fleet expression to the FishSET database which can then be applied to a dataset with fleet_assign. The table must contain a 'condition' and 'fleet' column with each row corresponding to a set of expressions that will be used to assign observations to fleets. A table can be created with the cond and fleet_val arguments or by uploading an existing table that matches the format requirements. See 'Details' below for examples of how tables can be formatted.


  cond = NULL,
  fleet_val = NULL,
  table = NULL,
  save = TRUE



Primary data containing information on hauls or trips. Table in the FishSET database contains the string 'MainDataTable'.


String, name of project.


String; a vector containing valid R expressions saved as strings. Must be used with the fleet_val argument. Each expression should be in quotes (double or single) with nested quotes indicated with escaped quotes (\') or with the opposite quote used to contain the expression. For example, "species == 'cod'" and "species == \'cod\'" are both valid.


String; a vector of fleet names to be assigned. Must be used with the cond argument.


A data frame that has one condition column and one fleet column. See 'Details' for table formatting.


Logical; whether to save the current fleet_table to the FishSET database. Defaults to TRUE. Tables are saved in the format of 'projectFleetTable'. Each project can only have one fleet table. New fleet definitions are appended to the exiting fleet table. See table_remove to delete a table.


Returns a table of fleet conditions that is saved to the FishSET database with the name 'projectFleetTable'.


Below is a simple example of a fleet table. For a fleet table to be created, it must contain one "condition" column and one "fleet" column. Each fleet definition can be as long as necessary. For example, the first expression in the condition column example could also be "GEAR == 8 & species == 'pollock'". Use the '&' operator when combining expressions.

conditionfleet'GEAR == 8''A''species == "cod"'


if (FALSE) { 
fleet_table("MainDataTable", "myProject", 
            cond = c("GEAR == 8", "species == 'cod'", "area %in% c(640, 620)"),
            fleet_val = c("A", "B", "C"), save = TRUE