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Delete models from the model design file (MDF) and the model output table (MOT).


delete_models(project, model.names, delete.nested = FALSE)



String, name of project.


String, name of models to delete. Use model_names() to see model names from the model design file.


Logical, whether to delete a model containing nested models. Defaults to FALSE.


Nested models are conditional logit models that include more than one expected catch/revenue model. For example, if a conditional logit model named 'logit_c_mod1' was saved to the MDF with the argument expectcatchmodels = list('exp1', 'recent', 'older'), then 'logit_c_mod1 will include three separate models, each using a different expected catch matrix. To delete all three models, enter model.names = 'logit_c_mod1' and set delete.nested = TRUE. To delete one or more specific nested models, use model.names = 'logit_c_mod1.exp1', i.e. the original model name, a period, and the name of the expected catch matrix used in the model.