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Adds distance between two points to the primary data set. There are two versions of this function. The difference between the two versions is how additional arguments specific to start and end locations are added. This version requires all necessary arguments to be specified before running and is best used in a non-interactive session. The create_dist_between version requires only five arguments to be specified before running. Additional arguments specific to identifying the lat/long of start or end points are added through prompts. This function is designed for an interactive session. Both versions of the distance between function require that the start and end points be different vectors. If the start or ending points are from a port, then PortTable must be specified to obtain lat/lons. If the start or ending points are the center of a fishing zone or area then spat, lon.dat, lat.dat, cat, lon.spat, and lat.spat must be specified to obtain latitude and longitude.


  start = c("lat", "lon"),
  end = c("lat", "lon"),
  name = "DistBetwen",
  portTable = NULL,
  spat = NULL,
  lon.dat = NULL,
  lat.dat = NULL,
  cat = NULL,
  lon.spat = NULL,
  lat.spat = NULL



Primary data containing information on hauls or trips. Table in FishSET database contains the string 'MainDataTable'.


Project name

start, end

Starting location. Should be a port, lat/lon location, or centroid of regulatory zone/area.

port:start should be the column name in dat containing the port names. Latitude and longitude for the port are extracted from the port should be a character string of column names from dat. The order must be `lat` then `lon` start=c('lat', 'lon').

Unit of distance. Choices are "miles", "kilometers", or "midpoint".


String, name of new variable. Defaults to `DistBetween`.


Data table containing port data. Required if start or end are a vector from the dat containing port names.


Variable in dat that identifies the individual zones or areas. Required if zone identifier variable exists and is not `ZoneID`. Defaults to NULL.


Spatial data containing information on fishery management or regulatory zones. Shape, json, geojson, and csv formats are supported. Required if start or end are "centroid" and a centroid table doesn't exist in the FishSET database.


Longitude variable from dat. Required if start or end are ‘centroid’.


Latitude variable from dat. Required if start or end are ‘centroid’.


Variable or list in spat that identifies the individual areas or zones. If spat is class sf, cat should be name of list containing information on zones. Required if start or end are "centroid".


Variable or list from spat containing longitude data. Required for csv files. Leave as NULL if spat is a shape or json file, Required if start or end are "centroid".


Variable or list from spat containing latitude data. Required for csv files. Leave as NULL if spat is a shape or json file, Required if start or end are "centroid".


Primary data set with distance between points variable added.