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Add catch per unit effort (CPUE) or revenue per unit effort variable to the primary dataset. Catch should be a weight variable but can be a count. Effort should be in a duration of time, such as days, hours, or minutes.


cpue(dat, project, xWeight = NULL, xTime, price = NULL, name = NULL)



Primary data containing information on hauls or trips. Table in FishSET database contains the string 'MainDataTable'.


Project name.


Catch variable in dat. Variable should be a measure of weight (pounds, metric tons, etc) but can also be count. If calculating revenue per unit effort (RPUE) and a revenue column exists in dat, then add the revenue column to price and set xWeight = NULL.


Duration of time variable in dat representing effort, such as weeks, days, hours, or minutes.


Optional, variable from dat containing price/value data. Price is multiplied against the catch variable, xWeight, to generated revenue. If revenue exists in dat and you wish to use this revenue instead of price, then xWeight must be NULL. Defaults to NULL.


String, name of created variable. Defaults to "cpue" or "rpue" if price is not NULL.


Returns primary dataset with CPUE variable added.


Creates the catch or revenue per unit effort variable. Catch variable should be in weight (lbs, mts). Effort variable should be a measurement of duration in time. New variable is added to the primary dataset with the column name defined by the name argument. CPUE for individual species should be calculated separately.


if (FALSE) {
pollockMainDataTable <- cpue(pollockMainDataTable, 'pollock', 
                             xWeight = 'OFFICIAL_TOTAL_CATCH_MT', 
                             xTime = 'DURATION_IN_MIN', name = 'cpue')