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Converts spatial data to a sf object


check_spatdat(spatdat, lon = NULL, lat = NULL, id = NULL)



Spatial data containing information on fishery management or regulatory zones.


Longitude variable in spatdat. This is required for csv files or if spatdat is a dataframe (i.e. is not a sf or sp object).


Latitude variable in spatdat. This is required for csv files or if spatdat is a dataframe (i.e. is not a sf or sp object).


Polygon ID column. This is required for csv files or if spatdat is a dataframe (i.e. is not a sf or sp object).


This function checks whether spatdat is a sf object and attempts to convert it if not. It also applies clean_spat which fixes certain spatial issues such as invalid or empty polygons, whether a projected CRS is used (converts to WGS84 if detected), and if longitude should be shifted to Pacific view (0-360 format) to avoid splitting the Alaska region during plotting.