pycax 1.0.4.dev9+g5a44ded

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pycax is a Python client for the Coordinated Assessments data exchange REST API. Coordinated Assessments data eXchange (CAX) is developed by the Coordinated Assessments Partnership (CAP). CAP is a collaborative process to efficiently share and provide access to standardized derived information, such as fish population-scale high-level indicators (HLIs) and supporting metrics. Participants in CAP include state fish and wildlife management agencies, tribes, federal agencies such as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries (NOAA Fisheries) and Bonneville Power Administration (BPA), and others. CAP is co-sponsored by StreamNet and Pacific Northwest Aquatic Monitoring Partnership (PNAMP). Make sure to review the StreamNet Terms of Use for these data, the StreamNet Data Policy and the citation information from StreamNet and PNAMP for database queries. pycax authors: Eli Holmes and Mari Williams, Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries.

Other CAX clients: rCAX a R client, nwfsc-math-bio/rCAX


from pypi

pip install pycax-client

dev version

pip install git+git://


Library API

pycax is split up into these modules

  • datasets - The tables available for download with metadata.

  • tables - Download an individual table given its name (as in the datasets table)

  • hli - Download a HLI table in either “XPort” (default) or base format. “XPort” is the same as the CAP Tabular Query.

For accessing the HLI tables, you only need to import the hli module. A maximum of 1000 rows of data are downloaded (by default). Typically you will want to filter the query by passing in fargs as dictionary with the column name values. For example, {‘popid’: 7} would return popid equal to 7 only.

Examples of functions returning the data as a pandas data frame are shown.

HLI module

from pycax import hli

res = hli.getdf("NOSA", tabletype="xport", fargs={'popid':  7})

Tables module

from pycax import tables

res = tables.getdf("EscData", fargs={'popid':  7})

Datasets module

from pycax import datasets

res = datasets.getdf()
res['name', 'id'].head()


  • License: MIT



MIT + addendum

Indices and tables